Wonderful Works of Whimsical Glass

The 'Wonderful Works of Whimsical' made by a generous collective of Glass Artists who attended our annual Blow In for charity. All these pieces are heading to The Royal Children's Hospital on display for patients, staff and visitors, hopefully bringing smiles to all who see them.

Our annual gathering of glass community members on the Gordon Studio hot glass floor was as fun as always, creating whimsical-inspired work to be donated to The Royal Children’s Hospital.

“We’re like one big giant family,” said Eileen.

“Isolated in studios, we don’t get the opportunity to get together so much any more. It was so good to get everyone together to socialise, swap the latest, push boundaries and give the floor to people who don’t usually get much time. It’s a chance for them to learn from more experienced blowers. That way we can move forward and grow as a community.”


A European glass odyssey


What is a glass sculpture?